Saturday, April 2, 2011


Today I want to post pictures dedicated to Kerri Russell. First because she was the only actress I can recall at a young age who had curly hair that it seemed everyone envied. Second because her long curls were just gorgeous. I never watched "Felicity" but I sure as hell watched a lot of "Honey I Blew Up the Kid" haha.

Sadly she keeps her hair straight now it seems. It's okay for a role but let your natural self shine Kerri!


  1. I love Felicity! I just started watching it and her hair is gorgeous. I have similar hair to Kerri's and because her hair was so admired on the show, I feel very proud to have hair like hers.

  2. Her hair is gorgeous! I wish mine was like hers especially because she kept it like that for a very long time.
