Monday, April 25, 2011

Jamie Gertz

I used to watch The Lost Boys quite a bit when I was young mainly for Kiefer Sutherland and even though it seems like everyone had big hair in the 80's, I just wanted to share some pictures of the female lead Jami Gertz.

Now it probably is just a perm, but I loved that she had such big hair and in my opinion today her hair style probably looks the least "dated" compared to her co-stars *ahem*
Jami is on the show Modern Family currently, and her hair is a lot shorter and a lot more sleek. She's beautiful either way but when I think of her I will always picture her like this first:

Thursday, April 21, 2011


When 24 first aired I actually despised almost all the female characters. They were annoying, or bad or just made stupid decisions or they got killed off. It wasn't until Reiko Ayelsworth was cast as Michelle Dessler that there was finally a stronger leading female (aside from a few others like Chloe). However the Michelle character caught my attention because of her hair obviously. She always had it pulled back and it could look a bit messy but I liked that fact.

Every other female cast member had either really short hair or it was sleek or both. Now I'm just guessing this is Reiko's actual hair because I found a few pictures of her on the red carpet where it's not styled by curling iron.

I didn't even realize that initially I was drawn to her character because of her hair because at the time I was flat ironing my hair every day.  I didn't even realize my hair was curly then, I just thought it was frizzy.  Anyways I think she's a great actress even with straight hair, but I like the fact that for the most part she seems to keep it curly.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Amy Iriving

She never really (that I saw) abandoned the hair she was given.

I think she's most famous for her role in Carrie
But I always knew her from Rumpelstiltskin first

sorry I don't have any screen caps of her hair from this, I only have it on vhs which I should just go out and get the dvd already.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Mia Sara

I think aside from the Unicorns, the reason I loved the movie Legend so much was the Princess in the film didn't have straight long hair. She had shorter curly brown hair and it was lovely! Now I know her hair in real life is straight but if you look at pretty much any of the Princesses around that time and in Disney  or non-Disney movies since, most of the female characters (let alone the lead) have straight hair.

And I think this last picture really shows her hair style best as it was in the film:

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Who knew

Young Brittany Murphy had such cute hair!
snagged from tumblr

In honor of this video

Which I think is a cool idea if only they'd make more
I'm gonna post Beyonce and Solange with their natural hair

Friday, April 8, 2011


It's been brought to my attention that the actress from the original Being Human also has curly hair and I overlooked her. The thing is, on the show it doesn't really look natural it looks like they recurled it with a curling iron so she technically could have straight hair irl. Either way here's some pics, I'd love to see if anyone has any other pictures from any other roles she did.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Now I'm not sure if Charlize is actually naturally curly (I'm leaning towards no) but either way I remember watching The Devil's Advocate on television and immeadiately started wearing my hair natural again in hopes it would look like hers and snag me Keanu

It looks like it could be permed but I actually have no idea because I've only really seen her wear straight hair 99% of the time.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Another Nostalgia Post

Well nostalgic for me, I can't really speak for anyone else. When I was little I watched a ton of movies, I mean more than the average kid at the time (good ole VHS) and one of my favorites was Flight of the Navigator. Okay looking at it now it is kind of a mess, but one reason it will always have a special place in my heart is Sarah Jessica Parker. This was the first movie I recall seeing her in, and even though her hair was pulled back and short, it was still curly.
From that point on if she was in a movie, I'd pretty much watch it. It's nice seeing that for the most part over the years she's kept her curly locks.

Though occasionally she has straightened her hair in certain roles, I don't mind as much because she's playing a character and always seems to return to her natural self in the end.


Bernadette Peters has such a unique voice and it's quite beautiful so I thought instead of just posting pictures of her hair I'd also share a video.

Gotta love the 80's when big hair was definitely "in".

Monday, April 4, 2011

Over a month late

But let's celebrate recent Grammy winner Esperanza Spalding and her fabulous hair!

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Okay so I just barely started watching Being Human (UK version) but I noticed the actress in the US version actually has quite lovely hair. It's nice to see hair which is similar to my own type on screen.

Her name is Meaghan Rath and she has beautiful curls. I also love that the show doesn't straighten her hair.

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Today I want to post pictures dedicated to Kerri Russell. First because she was the only actress I can recall at a young age who had curly hair that it seemed everyone envied. Second because her long curls were just gorgeous. I never watched "Felicity" but I sure as hell watched a lot of "Honey I Blew Up the Kid" haha.

Sadly she keeps her hair straight now it seems. It's okay for a role but let your natural self shine Kerri!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Curls in all colors

From brunettes, to blondes and the ever elusive redheads, it's nice to see curly hair of all colors!


Someone whose hair has a life of it's own and she embraces it completely.

Helena Bonham Carter
 Even her characters have curls, which is nice to see onscreen for a change.